Saturday, January 21, 2017

U of A - InSciTe - First Year Faculty of Science Program

InSciTE (Interdisciplinary Science Threshold Experience) is a new initiative that will allow students to enjoy a classical first year university experience while offering a blend of courses taught with either traditional or integrated teaching methods. For more information, visit

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Access Communications Scholarship - Preview of changes for 2017

The Access Scholarship Program recognizes graduating students who demonstrate exemplary community involvement as well as academic achievement. Since the launch of the program in 2005, theyhave awarded over $275,000 to Grade 12 graduates in over 170 communities. 
One major change for this program in 2017 is that, Access Communications will be accepting the applications, reviewing and choosing the top 20 applicants throughout the province.  This is a significant change from what we’ve done in previous years.

More information about the Scholarship Program will be  posted on our website at by the end of February. 

Workshops for Women in Trades and Technology

Women in Trades and Technology
Do you know of any female students who may be interested in a trade or technology career?  Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers workshops and exploratory programming in a variety of trades and technologies. For a complete listing of upcoming workshops please visit WITT.

SK Polytech - Updates for Registration and Programs

Spring Save The Dates
Information Night - March 21, 2017, all campuses
INSIGHT - April 11, 2017, all campuses
Careers in Welding - Regina Campus - April 25th
Please check out Visit a Campus page for more information.

Registration Reminder
Seats are still available for many First Qualified First Admitted (FQFA) programs.  Students are encouraged to apply to these programs NOW to give them the best chance of obtaining a seat.  A reminder that the deadline to apply to High Demand programs and the Saskatchewan Collobarative Bachelor of Science in Nursing is February 15th.  Please visit for more information.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Pre-Employment Program and Apprenticeship
To obtain a Journeyperson Certificate persons must find an employer to hire them full time, and is willing to indenture them as an apprentice in the trade.
Students with limited knowledge of a tradecan opt to take a Sask Polytech Pre-Employment program.  By doing so, they will:
  • obtain a base knowledge and skills of the trade they wish to enter, giving them confidence when applying for jobs
  • show a potential employer that they have made a commitment to the trade by taking the pre-employment course, and therefore would be a motivated employee.
Taking the pre-employment course better equips the student of obtaining full time employment, which will then enable them to enter the Apprenticeship process.  Upon entering apprenticeship, they may receive technical and trade credit hours for the Pre-Employment course they completed at Sask Polytech.
If the student has experience in the trade, or has a relative, friend or connection that can lead to full time employment in the trade, they can go directly into industry and forgo the pre-employment route.

Upcoming Deadlines: U of R

Just a reminder that some important deadlines are coming up this Winter! 

  • Nursing Deadline: February 15
  • Education Deadline: March 1
  • Priority Deadline: March 15
    *Students who apply before this date are entered to win free tuition for a year
  • Entrance Scholarship Application Deadline: March 15

U of R Entrance Scholarship Application Workshops

We will be having four Entrance Scholarship Application Workshops. The application itself will open January 16th. All workshops will be located on campus in the main Archer Library, Regina Room (LY 107.32):
  • Wednesday, February 15 @ 4:00-6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, February 21 @ 5:00-7:00 PM
  • Thursday, March 2 @ 4:00-6:00 PM
  • Monday, March 6 @ 5:00-7:00 PM

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Program Information Sessions at Lakeland College

Lakeland College in Lloydminster/Vermilion, is hosting various program information sessions in the upcoming months including:

For more information, click HERE.

North West Regional College Application Blitz